Susan and David Jutz

Susan & David Jutz

Risdall Family

Risdall Family

Janet Ryan Bush

Janet Ryan Bush

Frances Thick

Frances Thicke

Bringing in the Hay

Bringing in the Hay

4th of July Parade

4th of July Parade

Edimami at Farmers Market

Edimami at a Farmers Market

Goat Cheese Demo

Goat Cheese Demonstration

FFC Logo

"Women need a voice in how our food is raised. You can no longer just "keep the books: for the men folk. We need to start writing the books on how to become better farmers. I would love for more women to realize how significant our traditional care-taking roles can be in caring for our soils. I am grateful for being able to raise my children on a farm where we use no harmfor agricultural chemicals. The greatest gifts I have given my children have been learned from this farm. The lessons taught here will help them become responsible adults."

Nancy Vogelsberg-Bush, Home City, Kansas --Marshall County from Kansas Farm Women Growing Out of the Tilth by Cynthia Vagnetti, 1992.